This is the Tunnelbana. It's the subway that runs under all of Stockholm. And it's awesome. It's clean, smells nice, and is full of fun people who do this:
Couldn't quite fit all nine phone-browsing people into the frame.
This upcoming week I'm planning on tracking how much time I spend commuting. That should be fun.
Each station is decorated differently. Östermalmstorg is one of my favorites.
Sometimes there aren't many people, but always there are lots of advertiements. Like this one for Manchester United.
After riding the Tunnelbana, we hop of at T-Centralen and ride some escalators! It's a fun way to start the day.
The famed creepers. These are wildly popular right now. I kind of want a pair. Mostly to be like Robyn.
We walk by this department store on our way to school.
But before riding the subway, we have to get to our nearest station! And that means a 15 minute walk to get to the Tunnelbana station that takes us to the center of town. But on that walk, we get to hang out with these guys:
There are nine of them. I could tell you all of the colors if you asked.
I haven't started naming them yet though.
Sometimes you just have to carry godis on your head. It's cool. |
Cows are nice.